The organization monitored by assigned authorities, compliance with this regulation by competitors at registration which claim to know a whole.

  1. Participation in the events is open to all swimmers over the age of 14. It is not necessary to be federated to any club or governing body.
  2. The minimum age of participants is 14.
  3. In order to participate in an event the relevant entry fee must have been paid.
Swimmers responsability.
  1. The swimmer (or their parents/guardians) takes sole responsibility for their participation. The organisers cannot be held responsible for theft, breakage or accidents before, during or after the event.
  2. The organization takes no responsibility for accidents taking place along the swimming course due to the natural conditions of the sea (rocks, inlets etc). Nor does the organization take responsibility for accidents caused by incompetence, negligence or poor signalling.
  3. The organisation guarantees that all the appropriate safety equipment and measures are in place.
  4. Each swimmer participates in each event through choice and as such the organisation takes no responsibility for personal injuries or injuries to third parties.
  5. It is the responsibility of the participant to decide whether they should abandon or continue in the event.
  6. The organization takes no responsibility for infringements to current national and regional water and beach regulations made by participants or their companions.
  7. The organization, its sponsors and collaborators takes no responsibility for the actions of swimmers and their companions that may lead to claims/lawsuits by third parties.
  8. The swimmers relieve the organization, its sponsors and collaborators from any claim resulting from damage to equipment, materials and properties, including (but not limited to) loss, theft, breakage etc.
  1. Registration will be accompanied by the appropriate entry fee.
  2. If required, participants should show their registration receipt. Failure to do so could lead to exclusion from the race.
  3. Registration fees are non-refundable in the case of non-participation in the event.
  4. Participants may register here (coming soon).
  5. The closing date for online entries needs to be changed to Midnight on Friday 16th May 2025.
Start protocol.
  1. Participants are required to be in the start area of each event 30 minutes before the official race time. The swim course and other pertinent information will be given at this time in English and Spanish.
  2. Swimmers will be called to their marks 5 minutes before the race begins with notice given with 3, 2, and then 1 minute to go.
  3. The start will be signalled by the blow of a whistle or blast of a horn.
  1. Swimmers must wear appropriate swimwear and although not compulsory, it is recommended that swim goggles are worn.
  2. For purposes of identification and classification swimmers are required to wear the chip provided.
  3. Wetsuit guidance is given within the event information available via There are some very specific rules/restrictions relating to the use of wetsuits in the ‘Colonia Classic‘ events; entrants are advised to study these carefully before completing their online entry. All other events are ‘wetsuit optional’, however the 220 Corberana Tri-Distance Challenge also includes a wetsuit category.
  4. The use of swimming aids such as snorkels, pull buoys and paddles is prohibited.
  5. The use of radio devices, mp3 etc. during the races are prohibited.
  6. Participants and their companions will be able to buy suitable swimming equipment at festival events and venues.
The course.
  1. The swimming course for each event is shown on its own event’s page.
  2. All race information will be available at official registration venues.
  3. The race course will be clearly described on race day once participants have been called to the start area. This description will be in English and Spanish.
  4. Each course will be clearly marked through the use of buoys.
  5. During the race, participants will be accompanied by a suitable number of support craft that will not only act as course guide but also provide rescue assistance where necessary.
Swimming style.
  1. Participants may swim in the stroke of their choice.
  2. Running/walking along the bottom is only permitted at the start and finish of the race in areas identified by race officials.
  3. It is prohibited to use buoys and other route markers as resting points or as aids to propulsion.
Feeding stations.
  1. Information regarding feeding stations will be in specific race information sheets available when participants register themselves.
  2. Drinks and light snacks as will be available at the end of each race.
Health care.
  1. An ambulance and other appropriate medical assistance will be available before, during and after each race.
  2. Massage and physio support will be available before and after each race (at an additional cost to participants).
Race cancellation.
  1. The race will be cancelled if the following weather conditions prevail:
    • Where a red flag is flying on the beach.
    • Water temperature below 13ºC.
    • Where the swell exceeds force 2 on the Beaufort scale.
    • Where the wind exceeds force 2 on the Beaufort scale.
    • Where visibility is less than 3000m.
  1. Cancellation due to ‘force Majeure’ of individual BEST Fest events or of BEST Fest in its entirety:The organisers of BEST Fest reserve the right to respond to ‘force majeure’ by cancelling, one, more or all BEST Fest events if:
      • There has been an occurrence that could reasonably be considered to be ‘force majeure’ (e.g. health pandemic, war/conflict, extreme weather event, terrorist threat).
      • For an reason arising from 10.2.1 the organisers of BEST Fest have been prevented, hindered or delayed in delivering any/all BEST Fest event(s).
      • The organisers of BEST Fest have met any procedural requirements set out elsewhere in the ‘Rules’, and where reasonably practicable have taken steps to mitigate the impact of ‘force majeure’ and given adequate notice to the entrants affected by any cancellation(s).

    In the event of a cancellation due to ‘force majeure’, the following will apply:

    • No refunds will be paid.
    • All entrants at the time of cancellation will be automatically transferred into the equivalent event(s) for the next available BEST Fest.
    • Entrants transferred to the next available BEST Fest may request deferral of their entry/entries for one (1) additional subsequent year. Such requests should be made by email to;
    • No alternative goods/services to the value of the transferred entries will be offered.
Other responsabilities of the participants
  1. Each event is a test of open water swimming that involves performing hazardous activities with great skill. I declare I am medically able and properly trained and authorize any person belonging to the Organization to exclude me from the event if they believe I do not meet the necessary condition to participate in the race. The Organization may decide at any time during the race that my psychophysical health is compromised and, for my own safety, withdraw me and I will leave the race without opposition. The Race Director reserves the right to exclude participants for the above reason or any others that may arise without cause or reason.
  2. I assume any physical or mental harm that may result from the completion of the race, whether as a result of falls, physical contact with other participants, excessive or low temperatures, acts of god, force majeure or other circumstances arising from the nature of the race.
  3. I assume full liability for any accident to my person, including loss of life. The Race director and the Organization are exempt from all civil/criminal liability resulting from any injury that may occur to me in relation to the causes in the preceding and subsequent clauses.
  4. I agree not to hinder the objectives of the Organization and the development of the event as well as not causing any damage to the environment in which the event takes place. I agree to accept full liability to any personal injury or injury to other participants or damage to the environment where the event takes place as a result of any transgression, on my part, of the obligations assumed here whether as a result of negligence, fault or intent and agree to indemnify the Race Director and Organization for damages arising as a result of the above or other violations that are related to the nature of the event.
  5. I agree to properly use safety systems specified by the Race Director or Organization in order to avoid any risk to myself or others
  6. I agree not to abuse verbally, physically or otherwise any other participant, official or sponsor. The right to appeal must be exercised reasonably, justifiably and in moderation.
  7. All swimmers participating in the event do so in a sporting manner.
  8. The swimmer will be solely responsible for any errors made by the incorrect interpretation or the course.
  9. Participants must not take short cuts, do fewer laps or any other maneuver aimed at gaining an unfair advantage.
  10. Participants should let those who are faster pass without hindrance or obstruction.
  11. Participants must not obstruct the passage of others in their category or those of another category in order to help another swimmer.
  12. Participants must respect the decisions of doctors and paramedics in case of accidents.
  1. The penalties range from a reprimand to a disqualification from the event. These will be issued by the Race Director, judges or the Organization.
  1. Participants wishing to make complaints about other competitors will be heard up to 30 minutes after the end of the race. The complaint should be in writing and accompanied by a fee of 100 euros. This amount will be refunded to the claimant in the event of a favourable decision.
  2. No complaints will be accepted from non-competitors of said event.
Special clause.
  1. In case of a legal dispute I accept the jurisdiction of the courts in the city of Palma de Mallorca. Having read and understood the rules, I accept all the terms and conditions set forth herein, separating the Race Director and Organization from any liability whatsoever resulting from the transgression of the clauses stipulated for this event as well as other written or verbal regulations meant to protect the personal safety of participants and the correct running of the event.