Distance: 5k (Point to point).
Date: Sunday 25th May 2025.
Start time: 09:30 am.
Start place: Starting at the small beach, to the left of the Marques Hotel. Please arrive no later than 08.45am.
Entry fee: 65 euros – Early Bird Price before 31.12.2024 / 70 euros – Standard Price (Includes free swimmer transfer by bus from Sa Rapita to Colònia Sant Jordi after the event).
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Important info
Feeding stations
Health & Safety
Medical Cover
Start & finish
Description:This 5km race goes straight across the bay from a small beach next to the Marques Hotel in Colonia Sant Jordi, to the marina beach club at Sa Rapita. You’ll be swimming in some of the most beautiful and clear water in the Mediterranean. If you’re lucky you’ll see sparkling starfish on the seabed as you swim close to one of Europe’s most spectacular beaches, Es Trenc. Your entry fee includes a free transfer by bus from Sa Rapita back to the BEST Centre in Colonia Sant Jordi.
Important info: As the finish is a few kilometers from Colonia Sant Jordi, free bus transfers for swimmers are included in the entry fee. A ‘there-and-back’ bus service for supporters will also be available, with return tickets available for pre-purchase via the event entry system. Buses will leave Colonia St Jordi immediately after the race start, and from Sa Rapita for the return journey after the beachside presentations and raffle have taken place. Swim bags can travel with your supporter or be placed on the empty event vans at the start beach location for transport and collection at the finish. We recommend that you do not leave valuables in the bags and that you ensure bags are clearly labelled with your name, accommodation and contact number. This is a CHIP TIMED event. You need to make sure you have your chip with you. You will receive your chip with your goody bag when you first sign in, or when you enter the event as a late entrant.
Restrictions: 5km distance entrants MUST be capable of swimming this distance. We have no means to confirm this, therefore swimmers MUST use their common sense – ask yourself; have you previously swum this distance in competition or training? Are you fit enough and physically acclimatised to prolonged exposure in cool water?
In addition, we recommend that you are able to swim at a pace no less than 2km per hour – see ‘Health and Safety’ below.
Please take no chances with your own safety, of your fellow swimmers or of the event staff that may be required to attend your emergency; if in doubt, apply caution and enter a shorter event/race!
Prizes: Additional prizes be drawn by beach-side raffle immediately following the conclusion of the event; further details to be confirmed. See all the information.
Feeding stations: There are no feeding stations for this event however safety kayakers and boats will have water & energy supplements available if required.
Registration: Registration of attendance and goody bag collection takes place on Saturday 24th of May at the BEST Centre. Late arrivals may collect their goody bag on the morning of the event at the start beach until 08.45am once event staff arrive. Late entries for this event will be accepted at the BEST Centre until 3.00pm on Saturday 24th May. No entries will be accepted after this time. Entrants must reconfirm their entry by signing in, immediately prior to each event.
Declaration: All swimmers are required to complete and sign a declaration confirming their ability to complete a 5km swim. Existing medical conditions and medicines being taken at the time of the swim must also be declared for safety & insurance reasons.
Health & Safety: There will be a swimmers safety brief immediately prior to the event. Unless otherwise stated this will take place at the start point. Entrants must attend.
Water depth on this event will vary between 0m and 20m.Water temperature will be around 18/19C, but variable based on weather patterns and water depth.
For the safety of 5km swimmers, a cut-off time of 2.5 hours will be used for the completion of the swim. A swimmer who will clearly not complete the course within the time limit will be asked to leave the water early and will be transported to the nearest appropriate point.
Medical Cover: Fully qualified medical cover is available during the event via safety boats and also at the start/finish points. Any illnesses or injuries occurring as a consequence of participation must be reported as soon as possible to the event medical team.
Wetsuits: Use of wetsuits and/or the use of swimwear that includes neoprene as an element of construction is OPTIONAL, however… If an entrant chooses to wear a wetsuit/neoprene, they will be eligible for ‘on the beach’ podium prizes in the relevant Wetsuit categories only. Their time/position will not accrue points towards the overall ‘Colonia Classics’ points competition, which is open to ‘skins’ swimmers only – please see the ‘Categories’, ‘Points’ and ‘Prizes’ sections for additional details.
Start & finish: This event will use an ‘in the water’ start and an ‘on the beach’ finish.
Swimmers will be called to enter the water and to take up their start position approximately 5 minutes before the race start. The ‘in the water’ start requires all swimmers to line up as directed by the Chief Referee/Starter (who will be positioned in a boat and will issue instructions to swimmers once they have entered the water). Start and finish procedures will also be explained at the pre-race briefing.
Refreshments: There will be a selection of free refreshments available at the finish point. Please take rehydration and nutrition seriously to ensure rapid and full recovery.